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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: CO-LR-1272
Station Name: Estes Park 1.7 SW
Report Date: 4/21/2024
Submitted: 4/21/2024 12:03 PM
Scale Bar: Near Normal
Landscape looks Near Normal, though Data Explorer for my station shows below normal precipitation for Month(April)-to-Date: 32%,  Water-Year-To-Date 64%, and Year-to-Date 66%. Soil seems wet and grasses are beginning to green up. Currant buds are swelling and Aspen have catkins. Wyoming ground squirrels are up and foraging. Deer, elk, and wild turkeys are wandering the neighborhood. Most snow pack is gone except in the more heavily wooded areas on north-facing slopes. Snotel sites in my drainage are at normal SWE for today.
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality