View Data : View Condition Monitoring Report

Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: MD-HR-23
Station Name: Norrisville 0.6 WSW
Report Date: 4/21/2024
Submitted: 4/21/2024 6:50 AM
Scale Bar: Near Normal
Temps were abobe normal to below normal the last 7 days...

Precip this week: 0.65" Rain...

Surface Soils are dry..

Soil Temps rose & Soil Moistuse were mainly steady...

**High Centibar Readings mean drier; 0 = Saturated Soil..120 or above = Severe Drought.

**Current Soil Readings @ 7am:    

Current Surface Soil Temp: 38.3F...Grass Tip Temp: 37.7F...
 2 in. Depth: Soil Temp: 50F...Soil Moisture:   25 Centibars..
 6 in. Depth: Soil Temp: 55F...Soil Moisture:   16 Centibars..
24 in. Depth: Soil Temp: 56F...Soil Moisture:   13 Centibars.. 
36 in. Depth: Soil Temp: 50F...Soil Moisture:   25 Centibars..

Birds were less active at the feeders...2 Bluebird houses have Bluebirds. Saw 1 Oriole.. No Hummingbirds yet.

No Farm Activity.

Creek level and flow are normal...
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality