| North Dakota Coordinators Darin Langerud North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board North Dakota State Water Commission 900 East Blvd. Ave. Bismarck, ND 58505-0850 701-328-2788 dlangerud@nd.gov
Daryl Ritchardson
Director of the North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN) Interim State Climatologist North Dakota State Univ. Van Es Hall 174 Fargo, ND 701-231-8209 daryl.ritchison@ndsu.edu

Eastern North Dakota Region
Amanda Lee, Jacob Spender Grand Forks NWS Weather Forecast Office Grand Forks, ND 58203-0600 701-795-5119 amanda.lee@noaa.gov jacob.spender@noaa.gov
Barnes Benson Cass Cavalier Eddy Grand Forks Griggs Nelson Pembina Ramsey Ransom Richland Sargent Steele Towner Traill Walsh
Western and Central North Dakota Region
Richard Krolak National Weather Service 2301 University Drive, Building 27 Bismarck, ND 58502-1016 richard.krolak@noaa.gov
Adams Billings Bottineau Bowman Burke Burleigh Dickey Dunn Eddy Emmons Foster Golden Valley Grant Hettinger Kidder Logan La Moure Mercer McHenry McIntosh McLean Morton Mountrail Oliver Pierce Renville Rolette Sheridan
Sioux Frank Martin frankweather@gmail.com North Dakota State Univ. 605-273-4368
Slope Stark Stutsman Ward Wells
North-Western North Dakota Region
Richard Krolak National Weather Service 2301 University Drive, Building 27 Bismarck, ND 58502-1016 richard.krolak@noaa.gov
Divide McKenzie Williams