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Significant Weather Report
Station Number: OK-CV-109
Station Name: Norman 2.0 WSW
Observation Date: 10/26/2020 3:00 PM
Submitted 10/26/2020 3:48 PM
Notes: Didn't fill in form above because I didn't check the gauge or my snow pad. Went back out two hours after previous collection. Didn't check the gauge, but checked trees for ice accretion. On west side of house, medium oak branches noticeably heavier and hanging at least a foot lower, but as ice mixed with sleet hard to discern to measure. Miniature Japanese maple in my somewhat protected, east facing courtyard, had 2 mm of accretion. I had shaken rain & sleet off it when I went out about 1. Unfortunately, to protect my tree, I shook what I could off it this time, so I can't do a comparison on it later.
Precip Duration Minutes: 120
Gauge Catch: NA
Total Gauge Catch: NA
Snowfall: NA
Snowpack Depth: NA