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Significant Weather Report
Station Number: NM-SN-3
Station Name: Rio Rancho 1.9 SE
Observation Date: 10/26/2020 6:30 PM
Submitted 10/26/2020 9:10 PM
Notes: Winter storm arrived today. Sent home early from Kirtland AFB at 1530 hours. Severe icing, blowing snow, winds 30 to 40. Black ice on road on the base. Had to get around one minor collision on base. 4 additional crashes seen on Gibson and I-25 southbound. Rio Rancho had already about 3 inches of snow at 1700 hours. Recorded 6 inches at 1830. Gage had 0.39" and core had 0.36". Temperature steady at 20 degrees now with continuing light snow showers.
Precip Duration Minutes: 0
Gauge Catch: NA
Total Gauge Catch: NA
Snowfall: 6.0 in.
Snowpack Depth: 6.0 in.
Flooding: No