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Significant Weather Report
Station Number: IL-WL-63
Station Name: New Lenox 1.8 SE
Observation Date: 2/21/2018 7:40 AM
Submitted 2/21/2018 7:46 AM
Notes: Monday's 2.20" rain + Tuesday's 1.26" rain + 0.60" of snow/H2O equivalent = 4.06" of water thus giving us the worst flooding I've observed in 32 years of living in New Lenox. Around the township, water is laying in many places I've never seen it before. Dangerous ice on walks and streets are an added insult from Mother Nature this morning.
Precip Duration Minutes: 1440
Gauge Catch: 1.26 in.
Total Gauge Catch: 1.26 in.
Snowfall: T
Snowpack Depth: T
Flooding: Severe